
    We send our troops around the world to trouble spots to help resolve conflicts and expect them to come back safe and sound. These troops, not only have to fight the source of the conflict such as aggression of people, Earthquake, Floods, Volcanic upheaval, but also environmental issues. It's on the environmental issues that is of concern. We can see conflict and disaster and deal with physical issues like loss of limbs, body damage, loss of life but what about what we can't see.

    Our world is filled with many natural immpedments to health like the common cold, influenza, parasites, malaria, typhoid, tuberculosas. It unfortunately, is on an increasing scale subject to MAN Made immedments like Mustard Gas, Agent Orange, Chemical warfare substances including the recent SARS, COVID-19, N1N2 and many more. We all can't be top level researchers and scientists so we have to put trust in those people that have the know how. We also have to trust that our elected officials put our welfare and safety above the persuit of wealth and commerce. History tells us that just isn't always going to happen.

    The laws of the USA define responcibilty in the basis of any incident involving physical, or emotional harm to persons to be that of the perpetrator of actions or in-actions that directly or indirectly cause the harm. Under such definition, it stands that if a person is drunk and drives and causes death or injury, that person is responcible for the results. If a company discards waste that is potentially harmful to population through negligence they are responcible in kind. If a business fails to employ safeguards to worker safety which they are responcible to know about and implement, they are respocible for injury to employee(s). But in the coarse of dealings with the government, it is more a matter of prove we failed to put safeguards in place, and prove that we were negligent in our handling of the issue.

         Comments by outsider to the issue R Beauchamp