for the

LAST UPDATED ON 2013-June-29

Here we list the great people who contributed photographs to the Tarantula Keeper's Guide, Third Edition. Without their photographic skills and generosity the book would not be anywhere as good as it is. Our hats are off to all of you!

(The "L," "R," "T," and "B" refer respectively to photos at the left, right, top and bottom of the associated page.)

Jen Burge

Pages 231, 232, 240, 293

Timothy Burkhardt

Page 332

Mike "troll" Dame

Page 135

Wei Xiang Dong

Pages 25, 30L, 30R, 31T, 31B, 32T, 32B,

Martin Gamache and Amanda Gollaway

Page 183

Randall Johnson

Page 250L

Paul Lawniczak

Page 352

Larry "Ancientscout" Loos

Pages 85, 127, 303

Vasiliy "Vash" Loskutov

Pages 26, 47R, 250R

Craig "Cossor" McInnes

Pages 38L, 38R, 47L, 244, 246, 331, 346, 351

Patrick Mumford

Page 267

Ryan "Talkenlate04" Nefcy

Pages 36, 54, 99, 274, 279, 286, 321, 340

Becky Norris

Page 251

Tabbie Norton

Pages 23, 196, 275T, 275B, 276T, 276B, 277T, 277B

Steve Ridley

Pages 241, 320, 333, 345, 354

Elaine Ross

Page 89

Jonathon Smith

Page 29

Barron's stock photos

Pages viii, 3, 5, 8, 18, 20, 112, 238, 258, 300, 318, 358, 361, 364, 369, 371


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Copyright © 2009, Stanley A. Schultz and Marguerite J. Schultz.
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This page was initially created on 2009-March-06.
The last revision occurred on 2013-June-29.