Here's where we discuss an infamous issue regarding a popular RV tire and what can be done about it.
One of the very first issues we ran into was a strange, unlabeled, switch in the bathroom. It's discussed briefly in The Vanity In The Bath and we display a closer view of it here.
In an effort to identify its function we first posted a query on several Internet lists. The answers we got were truly funny!
As reported in The Vanity In The Bath, the switch controls the heaters for the holding tanks.
We and a number of others on the Internet forums have reported having troubles with the carbon monoxide monitors in our RVs. It seems that they have a disconcerting tendency to drain a battery if the RV is allowed to set for any period without some effort having been made to maintain the battery's charge. Here we discuss this issue and describe the solution we used.
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Copyright © 2004, Stanley A. Schultz and Marguerite J. Schultz.
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This page was initially created on 2004-April-06.
The last revision occurred on 2006-January-23.