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The Beauchamp Lineage : 937 years back to 1066
(Select the Year for Beauchamp History and events)

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
1100?/1135 Beauchamp, Walter De[2] ??
(William, Walter, Hugh)
1105/1269 Henry I Beauclerc Seizes Royal title William II murdered
Normandy added to England, Robert dies in prison
1107/1170 Beauchamp, Stephen De & Isolda De Ferrers [1db] parents Walter & Emeline Beauchamp
Alice, Stephen De, Idonea)
1111/1187 Beauchamp, Huge & Phillippa Trailly [2c]?? parents Walter De Beauchamp & ??
(Richard, Oliver)
1114/ Beauchamp, Stephen [1a] parents Huge De Beauchamp(?)
1116/ Beauchamp, Simon [1b] parents Huge De Beauchamp(?)
1118/1157 Beauchamp Payne & Roheise De Vere [1c] parents Huge De Beauchamp
1130?/1269 Beauchamp, William De & Maude debraose [1da] parents Walter & Emeline Beauchamp
William De)
1122/ Beauchamp, Milo [1] ()
1126/1137 Beauchamp, Robert [1] ()
1126/?? Beauchamp, William [2a] & parents Walter De Beauchamp & ??
1126/?? Henry defeates Robert Henry I's son Henry dies on ship daughter Matilda(Maud) crowned
barons refuse rule by woman support Henry's nephew Stephen
1128/1165 Beauchamp, Walter [2b] & parents Walter De Beauchamp & ??
1130/1211 Beauchamp, William De & Joan walleries [1daa] parents William & Maude Beauchamp
William, Walter)
1139/1216 Beauchamp, Oliver & Agnes [2cb]
(Hugh, Rodger)
1141/ Beauchamp, Richard & Sara Bidin [2ca] parents hugh & Phillippa Beauchamp
1142/1222 Beauchamp, Stephen De [1dba] parents Stephen Beauchamp & Isolda ()
1148/1187 Beauchamp, Hugh De [1cb] parents Payne beauchamp & Roheise
    19 years of civil war over throne. Maud gained the seat of power in London
she so enraged the inhabitants she was forced to flee & Stephen regains
thrown till death Maud's son, Henry II assume title upon death of stephen
1150/1207 Beauchamp, Simon & Isabella Wake [1ca] parents Payne Beauchamp & Roheise
1153/ Beauchamp, Richard [1dc] parents Walter & Emeline Beauchamp
1154-1189 Henry II Henry was a good administrator, he had a terrible temper
He reclaimed many rights / powers of the crown
1154/?? Beauchamp, William De/Matilda DeLucy [1daaa] parents William De Beauchamp & Joan
1160/1198 Beauchamp, Andrew De & Eva De Grey (Joan De Beauchamp)
1162 Thomas a Becket (Archbishop) Henry's chum appointed Archbishop of Canterbury
Thomas a Becket underwent a unfavorable change of character as Archbishop
He defied Henry and was ostentatiously severe and strict in his observance of church law.
1165/ Beauchamp, Simon Valitort parents unknown (Robert)
1166 Jury of 12 replaces Trial by Ordeal Judgements were handled by the church instead of Royal Courts which angered Henry
The Archbishop fled to France after defying Henry and was killed upon return from exile.
The accused no longer had to perform imposible feats to prove innocence
1173/1235 Beauchamp, Walter De & Bertha Debroise [1daab] parents William De Beauchamp & Joan
Wacheline(Walter), James)
1174/ Beauchamp, Hugh [1cac] parents Simon Beauchamp & Isabella wake
1176/1217 Beauchamp, Hugh [2cba] parents Oliver & Agnes Beauchamp
1178/1220 Beauchamp, Rodger & Matilda [2cbb] parents Oliver & Agnes beauchamp
1180/ Beauchamp, Andrew & Jollan De Nevelle parents Andrew & Eva Beauchamp
1188 "The Devil's Brood " Henry was married to the forceful Eleanor of Aquitaine
she turned his sons Richard, John, and Geoffrey against him.
1184/1236 Beauchamp, Walcheline Joan DeMortimer [1daaba] parents Walter De Beauchamp & Bertha
James,William, Thomas)
1185/1260 Beauchamp, William De, Lord Beauchamp [1caa] parents Simon Beauchamp & Isabella wake
1188/ Beauchamp, Miles [1cba] parents Huge De Beauchamp
1189-1199 Richard the Lionheart (great warrior/poor king) He fought brilliantly and cruelly in the Third Crusade, and was captured
on his way home by a personal enemy, Leopold of Austria.
John won bid for his ransom and Richard was freed only to die later fighting in France.
1189/ Beauchamp, Simon[1cab] parents Simon Beauchamp & Isabella wake
1191/ Beauchamp, Huge [1cac] parents Simon De Beauchamp & Isabella
( )
1191/ Beauchamp, Robert & Juliana Bret parents Simon Beauchamp (Robert)
1176/ Beauchamp, Geofrey & Joan Daubeney [1cad] parents Simon Beauchamp & Isabella wake
1172/?? Beauchamp, Elias & Constance De Bolbec [1caf] parents Simon De Beauchamp & Isabella
1196/1233 Beauchamp, James [1daabaa] parents Simon De Beauchamp & Isabella
1197/ Beauchamp, Richard [1cbaa] parents Miles Beauchamp
1197/ Beauchamp, Thomas [1daabac] parents Walter De Beauchamp & Joan De Mortimer
117?/1216 Lord of Emily
Beauchamp, William De & Olive [1daabab]
parents Walter De Beauchamp & Joan De Mortimer