Beauchamp Ancestry :
     Kale's Great Grandfather: Sir Thomas Beauchamp 1891- 1988
                          Grandfather: Stanley Edward Beauchamp 1925 - 2004
                                    Father: Ricky Dwayne Beauchamp 1957 - ?

Family Coat-of-Arms Born 1891 Isle of wight Died 1988 BC Canada 1916 Canadian
Military service
Click Picture! "Real one"      
  The Information provided here-in is as of 15 May 2007  
Thomas Beauchamp

Wife Una (Day)

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Beauchamp's of England
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Occupation: Locomotive Fireman
Parents Grandparents Great GrandParents GGreatGrandParents
Julia Ellen Rawlins (1855) Peter Rawlins (1814) Robert Rawlins  
Elisa long (1810) James long  
Ann Ashbury  
Albert Beauchamp (1851) Charles Beauchamp (1807) John Beauchamp George & Elisa Beachem
Elizabeth ?  
Elisa Jennings (18--) Richard Jennings  
Hanna Bundy (1791) Robert & Racheal Bundy
Sisters Elisa Alice Elsie-marie Lily Voilet   Samuel
Brothers George Henry Albert Charles James Frank Jack
  Black=living Blue=Divorsed Red=Deceased    
Children +spouses Grandchildren +spouses GGchildren GGGchildren
Bob Beauchamp Freeda Richard Beauchamp ?? ?  
    Arther Beauchamp Ex(Sandy) Beverly, David, Sheery ?
Art Beauchamp died WWII          
Norma Lafortune Ken ' 2000 Helen      
    Roy Lafortune      
    David Lafortune      
Roland Beauchamp 2003 Deloris Renee ? ? ?  
Denis Beauchamp Fran' 2003 Larry Beauchamp ? ?,?  
  Donna ? ? ?,?  
    Rodney Beauchamp ? ?  
Stanley Beauchamp

Click Picture for more
Phyllis (Brown) Diana Krause
Greg Krause Jeniffer ?
    Shawna Tina, Nathaniel
  Linda Beauchamp Ex(Preston Brewer) Robert Emma
    Dawn Hanna,Sammie,Shana
        Shalena Tasha
  Rick Beauchamp
Ex(Tracy Jette 2000) Kale Beauchamp
  Brenda Barry
Brent Barry Janet ?
    Curtus/Chelse Katherin
  Steven Beauchamp Casandra Nathan  
      Christina Beauchamp      

The Beauchamp Lineage : 937 years back to 1066
(Select the Year for Beauchamp History and events)

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000

The only record of arrivals in Canada thus far is this entry :
BEAUCHAMP , Thomas Age: 16 Sex: M D.O.B. 25/07/1887 London England Year of arrival: 1903
Party: Various Destination: Not Given
Comments: British Children Emigrated to Canada by Authority of the Boards of Guardians.

Was there more than one Thomas Beauchamp on that ship? Were they closely related?

Soldiers of the First World War has two entries of enlistment clearly showing two Thomas Beaichamps
Names: BEAUCHAMP , THOMAS Regimental number: 3213613
Attestation paper: Date of Birth 25/07/1887 London England Sister Ellen Beauchamp
Current address: 625 Centre st E Calgary Alberta Canada Drafted 01/04/1918 age=30
Occupation: Farmer married=no
Names: BEAUCHAMP , THOMAS Regimental number: 288176
Attestation paper: Date of Birth 07/11/1891 Isle of Wight mother Julia Beauchamp
Current address: Norwood Manitoba Canada Enlisted 22/03/1916 age=25
Occupation: Locamotive Fireman married=no

"Hampshire, Hants, or Southampton, maritime county (including the Isle of Wight), in South of England; bounded north by Berks, east by Surrey and Sussex, south by the English Channel, and west by Wilts and Dorset; greatest length (exclusive of the Isle of Wight), north to south, 46 miles; greatest breadth, east to west, 46 miles; 1,037,764 acres, population, 593,470. (The figures of acres and population include the Isle of Wight.) Hampshire is undulating, finely wooded, and fruitful. Its coast line is very inregular, the principal indentation being Southampton Water. From Surrey and Sussex, north-east to Wilts and Berks, two ranges of chalk hills, known as the North and South Downs, traverse the county. In the west is the New Forest, and in the south-east are the Forests of Bere and Waltham Chase. The Avon, Exe, Test, Itching, and Hamble are the chief rivers. The county is noted for its agriculture, the wheat of Hampshire being especially prized. Upon the Downs are reared large flocks of the variety of sheep known as "Hampshire Downs," or "short wools." Pig breeding, and the curing of bacon, have long been large and lucrative branches of the county's industry. The mineral resources are meagre; and, except in large coast towns, such as Portsmouth and Gosport, the manufactures also are unimportant. The shipping, however, is very extensive. Hampshire (with the Isle of Wight) comprises 38 hundreds, 12 liberties, 349 parishes, with parts of 3 others..."

Military History
As a coastal county facing a continental shore, Hampshire has a very long military history closely involved with the Royal Navy, units of the the British Army and, since the beginning of military aviation, the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service, which on 1 April 1918 amalgamated into the Royal Air Force.

BC Canada On the Westcoast of Canada lies the Mountainous Province of British Columbia. Bordered on the west
by the Pacific Ocean, The East by the Province of Alberta, the north by the Yukon, and the south by the
United States of America it has an abundant mix of beauty all it's own. Off the Island of Vancouver sports some
the worlds best fishing as well as being a major port of call for vessels. Lucrative lumber industries, nature trails,
Orchards, and breathtaking mountains comprize some of it's many features.

Beauchamp's of England:
The origins of the Beauchamp name comes from france and has the litteral meaning
"beautiful field". A concept hard to phathom when you look at the beauchamp's that
came to England with William the conquerer in 1066. Huge De Beauchamp was a
fierce warrior, cunning and in demand by Invading armies. Throughout the period
1066 to 1850 you could find the Beauchamps / Beechum's closely tied to the ruling
monarchy's of england. In fact, in was standing policy right up until 1850 for: the
church of Westminister Abbey to take the first born son of every Beauchamp family
into religeous duties, The army to take the second born son and the third born son
to be the lord of lands. You can find many Beauchamps of the period having the title
of Earl of Warwick. You will see Warwick Castle in the next segment. It can be noted
that Westminister Abbey has buried in it's floor complete with name plaque one of
many notable Beauchamps. As england civilized, Lords of the lands lost their powers
over workers and had to themselves tend the lands. The Knights and soldiers had to
take up trades, and the religeous clerics also had to adapt. Today, the Beauchamps
of England service the monarchy still but in ever increasingly fewer numbers.
Beauchamp Castle and battlement are gone. Warwick Castle still stands proud,
Beauchamp Chapel intact. The Tower of london complete with Beauchamp tower
and the Beauchamp dungeon and torcher rooms is now a tourist meca. In 1872, Julia
Rawlins was married to Albert Beauchamp. A marriage not condoned by either family.
Both families claimed the other family was beneath them in social stature. In fact, both
families were of middleclass which is a good thing. If either had have been high society
or royal you could have counted on an insueing war. On the otherhand, if either were the
unskilled untrained poor the likelyhood would have been starvation. Remember at this
time only middleclass families could read and write, own lands, or learn skills. Women
were not considered anything more than objects.

Beauchamp Visual Tour: click the pictures to enlarge with story

warwick1 warwick2 armour chapel

Warwick Castle

Warwick Castle

Medival Armour

Beauchamp Chapel
in Warwick Castle

dungeon exblock1 knight knight2

The Beauchamp Dungeon
at Tower of london

Execution Block
at Tower of London

Knight returning
from battle

Knight Cerimonial


Thomas & Una
Stanley & Phyllis
Rolland & Deloris
Bob, Thomas, Rolland
Denis &

Biography: Thomas Beauchamp: 1891 - 1988

Thomas Beauchamp came over to Canada from the Isle of Wight England around 1914 and settled in
Manitoba. He worked as a Locomotive fireman before enlisting in the Canadian Lite infantry for world
War 1. During the war he receaved many medals and honors including an offer by King George for a
knighthood which he turned down. During this War Thomas was injured when a Big-Bertha Bomb exploded
beside him lodging a warhead deep into his shoulder. My dad tells me his fist would fit into the gaping hole
left in his shoulder. After the incident Thomas suffered severe headaches and poor health his remaining days.
Despite doctors claiming he had only months to live, Thomas defyed them and lived to a ripe old age. After
coming home from the war, Thomas married Una Day from Saskatewan Canada and had six children. Two of
these children he outlived. His son Art died in WW II, and his son Bob died of cancer. Surviving children
were Stanley, Rolland, Norma, and Denis. Thomas was a mechanically inclined man, accomplished farmer
and made ranks as a Locomotive engineer. He and his wife Una lived in White Rock BC for many years and
eventually settled in their twilight years first in Elko BC (a small hamlet of under 100 homes) then in the
okanogan valley a plush furtile orchard area in BC.

Biography : Bob Beauchamp: 1923 - 19??

Robert Beauchamp (he went by bob ) was and avid model railroad enthusiast when not working at the post

Biography : Art Beauchamp: 1924 - 1943

Art Beauchamp was killed in action in the second world war at the young age of 19.

Biography : Stanley Beauchamp: 1925 -  2004

Cherished father, a large freindly and fair person. Stanley always dreamed of returning to the BC coast which
held fond memories. He had a passion for ships of the sailing kind and was a avid model railroader. He was well
known for doing most tasks when people would say "this or that is impossible - you can't do that!"

Biography : Rolland Beauchamp: 1927 - 2003

Rolland Beauchamp was an accomplished logger in BC. After the demise of his logging business he worked
at many jobs from motel management to campground operator. His years of heavy drinking finally caught up
to him.

Biography : Dennis Beauchamp: 1928 -

Dennis lived and worked in the Cranbrook area of BC. He spent many years at the Dairy there