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The Beauchamp Lineage : 937 years back to 1066
(Select the Year for Beauchamp History and events)

1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
1303/?? BEAUCHAMP, Isabel De [1daababaca] parents Guy Beauchamp & Alice
Queen Mother of Edward III ??
1307/1360 BEAUCHAMP, John De [1daababacc] parents Guy Beauchamp & Alice
1307-1327 Edward II was a poor king easily swayed by a succession of male favourites.
1311/1379 Beauchamp, Rodger & parents giles De Beauchamp & Katherine De Bures
1313/1369 Earl of Warwick & (countess of Warwick)
Beauchamp, Thomas De,
Catherine De Mortimer
parents Guy Beaucamp & Alice Toeni
1314 Scotland gained independence The barons forced Edward to agree to reforms in their favour
Edward II lost Battle of Bannockburn to Robert the Bruce
1322/1379 Beauchamp, Rodger parents rodger De Beauchamp & Joan clopton
1327-1377 Edward III king at 15 Edward proved to be a popular, approachable king.
Queen mother Isabella & Roger Mortimer ruled as regents for 3 years then Edward has Mortimer hanged
1330 100 Years War with France it was to end with the loss of virtually all English possessions on the mainland.
1337 Parliament's Power Parliament grew in power, forcing royal concessions in return for grants of money.
1330/1379 Beauchamp, Rodger & Sybil De Pateshulle [1daababbca] parents Giles De Beauchamp & Catherine De bures (Rodger)
1332/1401 Beauchamp, John & Elizabeth Pateshull [1daababbcb] parents Giles De Beauchamp & Catherine De bures
1337/1379 Beauchamp, Rodger Parents Rodger De Beauchamp & Sybil De Pateshulle
1337/1360 Beauchamp, Guy De [1daababacgc] parents Thomas & Catherine De Mortimer
1338/1401 Earl of Warwick [1daababacgq]
Beauchamp, Thomas De & Margaret Ferrers
parents Thomas Beauchamp & Katherine De Mortimer
(Katherine, Margaret, Elizabeth, Richard)
1339/1361 Beauchamp, John [1daababacgd] parents Thomas & Catherine De Mortimer

the Black Death
"Ring around the rossy,
pocket full of posy,
Achoo, Achoo, All Fall Down...

reached England from far east. Up to one-half the population died.
- song lyrics originated from the black death.
The black rings on rosy cheeks, and pussy infections in the posy (groin) that spelled the death of 50% of england and the all out war
on rats. The speed with which the disease could kill was terrifying to inhabitants of the medieval world. The Italian author Boccaccio
claimed that the plague victims "ate lunch with their friends and dinner with their ancestors in paradise."
The Rome Church claimed the desease was water born so the very thing which could impead it's spread was banned as bathing
became illegal.
Penitance processions up to 3 days were authorized by the Pope to mollify God, but these public acts just spread the disease further. It
has been estimated that 40% of England's priests died in the epidemic. This left a large gap, which was hastily filled with underqualified
and poorly trained applicants, accellerating the decline in church power and influence that culminated in the English Reformation. Many
survivors of the plague were also disillusioned by the church's inability to explain or deal with the outbreak.
1340/1401 Beauchamp, Roger De, Beauchamp  
1341/1361 Beauchamp, Roger De, Beauchamp [1daababacge] parents Thomas De Beachamp & Katherine De Mortimer
  Beauchamp, Hurom [1daababacgg] parents Thomas De Beachamp & Katherine De Mortimer
  Beauchamp, Walter De  
1347/ Beauchamp, Richard [1daababacgj] parents Thomas de Beauchamp & Katherine De Mortimer
1358/1411 Beauchamp William & Joan Fitzalan [1daababacgp] parents Thomas De Beachamp & Katherine De Mortimer
(Joan, Elizabeth, Richard)
1344/1361 Beauchamp Reynbum [1daababacgr] parents Thomas De Beachamp & Katherine De Mortimer
1363/1406 Beauchamp, Rodger & Joan clopton See 1322 how did they have son before they were born??
1365/1431 Beauchamp William & Catherine Ufflete
parents John Beauchamp & Elizabeth Pateshull

Richard II King at 10
Enormous Poll Tax introduced

John of Gaunt was virtual ruler (regent) of England.
A poll tax was declared to finance the continuing war with France usher in revolt of peasants

The Archbishop of Canterbury murdered
John of Gaunt's Savoy Palace burned.
1381/1439 XII Earlo'Warwick [1daababacgp]
Beauchamp, Richard De, & Elizabeth Berkley
Beauchamp, Richard De, & Isabel De Spencer
parents Thomas Beauchamp & Margaret De Ferrers
(Elizabeth, Isabel, Margaret)
1399 Henry Bolingbroke, exiled son of John of Gaunt Invades England & defeats Richard
Henry's claim to the throne was poor.
His right to rule was usurpation approved by Parliament and public opinion